Uninstall Windows Server Essentials Experience and Install Again

Concluding updated on March 25th, 2022

Note: If you are looking for a way to integrate Rublon with RDS (Remote Desktop Services), refer to Rublon 2FA for Remote Desktop Gateway and Rublon 2FA for Remote Desktop Web Access instead.


Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP is a connector that integrates with Microsoft Windows client and server operating systems to add Multi-Cistron Hallmark (MFA) to your Remote Desktop and local logons.

Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP supports the following operating systems:

  • Windows viii.i Domicile & Pro
  • Windows 10 Home & Pro
  • Windows 11 Habitation & Pro
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022


Rublon for Windows supports all editions of Windows Server, including Windows Server Essentials.

Gratis Installation Assistance

Book Call with Rublon Systems Engineer

We are at present offer a gratis i-hour consultation call with a Rublon Systems Engineer to all companies that sign upwards for a complimentary 30-day Rublon trial.

Please send an e-mail to support@rublon.com in order to book your telephone call.

Demo Video

How does Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP work?

Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP is a connector that adds an boosted step of authentication to your everyday log-in menstruum. But similar the name suggests, this connector works both for Windows Logon and for RDP. Every bit a result, yous tin can utilize the connector for:

  • Only RDP logons
  • Both local Windows logons and RDP logons

Network Diagrams

The following diagram shows a successful authentication process for RDP logon. Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP works exactly the same when logging in to a local Windows auto.

1. Initialize RDP connection.

2. Perform primary authentication against your authentication source.

three. Found a connexion to Rublon API.

4. Perform secondary authentication using one of the hallmark methods.

5. Receive a success response.

half dozen. Log in the user.

The post-obit diagram portrays an RDP login menstruum along with the names of protocols used in each office of the transaction.

Supported Authentication Methods

Authentication Method Supported Comments
Mobile Push button N/A
WebAuthn/U2F Security Keys Works only with the U2F (FIDO) standard for local Windows logons.
Mobile Passcodes (TOTP) N/A
SMS Passcodes Due north/A
QR Codes N/A
E-mail Links Northward/A

Supported Account Types

Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP is not an identity provider (IdP). Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP is a connector that checks credentials provided past a user confronting an existing authentication source, e.g., Active Directory.

Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP supports the following authentication sources:

  • Workgroup Accounts (Local Users and Private Email Addresses)
  • Microsoft Active Directory Accounts (Domain Accounts and Individual Electronic mail Addresses)

Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP supports Microsoft Active Directory, but Microsoft Active Directory is not required. You tin can apply Workgroup Accounts instead.

Bones User Identification

Rublon identifies a user by gluing their Windows organization user proper noun with their Email Domain. You provide the Email Domain during Rublon for Windows installation and can afterwards change it in Windows Registry.

Users must be in a common workgroup or domain and their names must not contain spaces.

Rublon glues Windows user name with the Email Domain to create an email address in the post-obit class:

username + @ + emailDomain

Rublon identifies the user based on this email accost.


Basic user identification described in this section comes with a restriction: Users must exist in the same domain. Rublon overcomes this restriction by introducing the concept of Individual Email Addresses.

Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP supports Private Email Addresses for both Workgroup Accounts and Active Directory Accounts.

To prepare your accounts for Private Email Addresses, install Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP. And then, navigate to the Individual Electronic mail Addresses section in this document.

Pre-Installation Steps

1. Sign in to the Rublon Admin Console.

2. In the panel on the left, click Applications.

iii. Click Add together Awarding.

4. Enter a proper noun for your new application, for example, Rublon for Windows.

5. Get out the URL empty.

6. In the Type dropdown, select Windows Logon & RDP.

7. Click Salve to add your new application.

8. Notation down the values of System Token and Secret Central. You are going to need these values later during installation.

ix.  Download one of the following installers:

  • Download the GUI Installer
  • Download the Silent Mode Installer

Download the Silent Mode Installer if you are using one of the post-obit operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows 8.1

Otherwise, download the GUI Installer.


Nosotros recommend you uninstall Rublon for Windows before trying to install it again.


If you have a few physical machines or a few VMs and would like to utilise the Rublon for Windows Logon & RDP connector, y'all have to install the connector on each machine separately.

Installation (GUI Installer)

1. Unpack the downloaded bundle and run RublonInstall.exe with administrator rights.

2. On the first page of the installer, read about the product y'all are about to install.

3. Click Adjacent.

4. Fill in the configuration parameters. Refer to the post-obit image and table. All these values are required for Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP to work properly.

Parameter Description
System Token System Token of your application in the Rublon Admin Console.

Paste the value y'all noted down before.

Secret Key Hugger-mugger Fundamental of your application in the Rublon Admin Console.

Paste the value you lot noted down before.

Email Domain Common domain that all users in your organization have email accounts in.

5. Click Side by side.

vi. Fill in the settings. You tin can but exercise not accept to apply a proxy. Refer to the following image and table.

Parameter Description
Bypass MFA when offline Featherbed MFA for logons if Rublon servers are unreachable. It is recommended to go out this checked if you're installing Rublon for the first time, equally firewall settings may cake connections to Rublon.
MFA for RDP merely Uncheck to enable MFA for both local organization logons as well equally RDP sessions.

When checked, only RDP sessions prompt for MFA, while local system logons are bypassed.

Use Proxy Check this option to enable proxy. If unchecked, proxy will non be used fifty-fifty if all proxy information is provided beneath.
Proxy Host The accost of the proxy server.
Proxy Port The port on which the proxy server is operating.
Proxy Username The username of the http proxy server user.

Optional. Fill in if verification past username is required.

Proxy Password The password of the http proxy server user.

Optional. Fill in if required for verification.

7. Click Adjacent.

8. Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP is ready to install.

Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP performs the following steps during installation:

  • Adds configuration settings to Windows Registry.
  • Installs the application on the system in a defined location. It is not possible to change this path.
  • Makes registry changes related to the correct performance of Windows Credential Provider.
  • Changes the default Credential Provider to a custom solution that supports Rublon For Windows.
  • Starts the installer of the required additional packages: Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64).

9. Click Install to install Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP.

10. Afterwards a successful installation, the installer informs you that your installation is complete.

11. Click Finish to complete the installation.


Ensure that the firewall on the server on which you have installed Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP does non restrict Rublon advice on TCP port 443.

12. Congratulations! Your installation is complete.

Next time you log out and log in again, you will accept to authenticate using Rublon 2FA.

There are some things you lot may desire to do before logging out:

  • Refer to Private E-mail Addresses to add electronic mail addresses exterior of your email domain.
  • Refer to the Configuration section in this documentation to learn how to change the settings set during installation.
  • Refer to Log in to Windows with Rublon 2FA and Log in to RDP with Rublon 2FA to learn how logging in to a local Windows and RDP works afterwards Rublon is on.

Installation (Silent Mode Installer)

Merely the x64 versions of the post-obit operating systems are supported:

  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11

1. Run the installer from a command prompt, for example cmd or PowerShell.


You demand ambassador rights to successfully install Rublon for Windows in Silent Mode.

2. Prepare an installation control based on the following form:

          .\RublonForWindows-ii.4.0.exe /verysilent          ^          -token TOKEN          ^          -cardinal Key          ^          -emailDomain DOMAIN -offline 1 -rdpOnly 1        

For example:

          .\RublonForWindows-2.iv.0.exe /verysilent          ^          -token 9BBD41CE91594D39BD6FCB831D396C4X          ^          -key 97df2dcfd39aa615a0135819115893          ^          -emailDomain exampledomain.com -offline 1 -rdpOnly 1        


If you lot would like to use proxy, enter a command in the post-obit form:

.\RublonForWindows-two.4.0.exe -token 9BBD412E91594D39BD6FCB841D396C4X -key 97df2dced39aa615a0235819116893 -emailDomain exampledomain.com -rdpOnly ane -offline 1 -proxyHost  -proxyPort 80

Specify proxyUsername and proxyPassword only if these values are required for verification:

.\RublonForWindows-2.4.0.exe -token 9BBD412E91594D39BD6FCB841D396C4X -fundamental 97df2dced39aa615a0235819116893 -emailDomain exampledomain.com -rdpOnly 1 -offline one -proxyHost  -proxyPort 80 -proxyUsername user -proxyPassword pass

Make sure all required parameters are defined. Otherwise, installation volition not succeed.

Refer to the following table for descriptions of parameters.

Parameter Description Required
token Organisation Token of your application in the Rublon Admin Console.

Paste the value y'all noted down before.

key Secret Key of your application in the Rublon Admin Console.

Paste the value y'all noted down before.

emailDomain Common domain that all users in your organization accept electronic mail accounts in. Yes
offline Bypass MFA for logons if Rublon servers are unreachable.

Ready to ane to bypass the user.

Gear up to 0 to deny the user.

Recommended: 1

rdpOnly Set up to ane to enable MFA only for RDP sessions and bypass local organisation logons.

Set to 0 to enable MFA for both local organization logons and RDP sessions.

getLocalUserEmail Set to 1 to make Rublon look for an email address of the user in the Description field in User Accounts (netplwiz).

Only applies to Workgroup Accounts.

proxyHost The address of the proxy server. No
proxyPort The port on which the proxy server is operating. No
proxyUsername The username of the http proxy server user. No
proxyPassword The password of the http proxy server user. No

3. Execute the command you prepared.


Ensure that the firewall on the server on which you have installed Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP does not restrict Rublon advice on TCP port 443.

four. Congratulations! Your installation is complete.

Next time you log out and log in once more, you will take to authenticate using Rublon 2FA.

In that location are some things y'all may want to do earlier logging out:

  • Refer to Individual Email Addresses to add electronic mail addresses outside of your email domain.
  • Refer to the Configuration section in this documentation to learn how to alter the settings prepare during installation.
  • Refer to Log in to Windows with Rublon 2FA and Log in to RDP with Rublon 2FA to acquire how logging in to a local Windows and RDP works subsequently Rublon is on.

Individual Email Addresses

Individual Email Addresses allows you to set an individual email address for one or more of your users. Thanks to this, y'all are not express to just one email domain.

Workgroup Accounts

If you are using Windows Workgroup Accounts and would similar to add an individual email accost for some of your users:

1. Go to Windows Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rublon\WindowsLogon

two. Change the value of getLocalUserEmail to 1.

iii. Press the Windows and R keys simultaneously.

4. In the Run window, type netplwiz and click OK.

5. A User Accounts window will appear. Select a user and get to Backdrop.

6. Select the Full general tab.

7. Enter the email address in the Description field.

You lot can specify any electronic mail address as long as the electronic mail address exists. Electronic mail addresses do not have to belong to the domain specified in the emailDomain value in Windows Registry.


Rublon does non back up email addresses in the Description field on Windows Server 2012.

Active Directory Accounts

If you are using Microsoft Active Directory, you tin assign an individual email accost to 1 or more user accounts. Rublon will so identify these users based on that email address. All y'all have to practice is enter any valid email address in the Email field for the user.

You can specify whatever e-mail address every bit long as it exists. Email addresses practice non have to belong to the E-mail Domain provided during installation.

Refer to the following login scenarios to better empathize the behavior of Rublon for Windows Logon with Agile Directory Accounts.

Two login scenarios exist if y'all are using Microsoft Active Directory:

When logging in to Windows, the user provides their domain and login, e.g., RUBLON\user1.

  • If user user1 has an email accost assigned in Active Directory, Rublon for Windows uses this address.
  • If no email address is assigned to user1 in Active Directory, or retrieving the email accost from Agile Directory is disabled, then Rublon for Windows uses the user domain name set during Rublon for Windows installation.

When logging in to Windows, the user provides their email accost, eastward.g., user1@rublon.com.

  • If user user1 has an email address assigned in Active Directory, Rublon for Windows uses this address.
  • If no electronic mail address is assigned to user1 in Active Directory, or retrieving the email address from Active Directory is disabled, and so Rublon for Windows uses the email address entered during this very login attempt.


All default values of settings depend on your choices during installation.

To change the settings of Rublon for Windows, get to Windows Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rublon\WindowsLogon

With binary values, i stands for Yes, and 0 for No.

The following tabular array describes all values:

Value Description
getLocalUserEmail When set up to 1, Rublon looks for an e-mail address of the user in the Description field in User Accounts (netplwiz).

Set up to 0 by default.

Merely applies to Workgroup Accounts.

To enable Individual Email Addresses for your Workgroup Accounts, you must set this value to 1.

offlineBypass Bypass MFA for logons if Rublon servers are unreachable.
proxyHost The address of the proxy server. Optional.
proxyMode Yous need to set at least two parameters for the proxy to piece of work: proxyHost and proxyPort.

If you add both of these parameters, and then the proxy will be automatically activated (and proxyMode will be set to i).

If yous only specify proxyHost or merely specify proxyPort, registry changes will be made, but proxyMode will exist fix to 0, meaning proxy volition non be agile.

Set proxyMode to 0 to disable the proxy.

proxyPassword The password of the http proxy server user. Optional.
proxyPort The port on which the proxy server is operating. Optional.
proxyUsername The username of the http proxy server user. Optional.
rublonApiServer The server of Rublon API.
rublonRDPOnly Set to 0 to enable MFA for both local organisation logons also as RDP sessions.

Set to 1 to enable MFA only for RDP sessions and bypass local system logons.

secretKey Secret Key of your Rublon for Windows application in the Rublon Admin Console.
shouldTryToGetEmailFromAD Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP makes Agile Directory query email addresses by default.

Set to 0 to disable e-mail accost querying.

systemToken Organization Token of your Rublon for Windows awarding in the Rublon Admin Console.
emailDomain The domain that your users have accounts in.
debugMode Set to i to enable detailed log file entries.
extractUsernameFromEmail Set to 0 by default.

Set to 1 to make Rublon for Windows remove the domain part from the user name before sending the user name to the Rublon API, e.yard.: bob instead of bob@rublon.com.

shouldTryToGetPhoneFromAD Set to 1 by default.

When set to one, Rublon for Windows pulls the user's phone number from Active Directory and sends it to the Rublon API.

Enable/Disable Rublon on selected machine

If you would similar to disable Rublon 2FA on a selected machine, run the disableRublon.reg file on that car.

If you would like to enable Rublon 2FA again, run the enableRublon.reg file.

You can notice both files in: C:\Program Files\Rublon\Logon\


Registry changes are made only if you run these REG files with administrator rights.

Log in to Windows with Rublon 2FA

This example depicts the process of logging in to Windows after Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP has been installed. This example shows logging in to a local machine.

1. Log out if you lot are logged in.

two. Provide your credentials.

three. After providing right credentials, Windows displays the user's account pic. In this instance, the user had set the logo of Rublon equally their account picture in Windows, merely you lot can utilize any other movie of your choice.

4. A Rublon Prompt appears with a selection of hallmark methods.

v. Choose one of the authentication methods. Let's choose Mobile Push.

vi. You will exist sent a push button notification. Tap APPROVE.

vii. Yous will exist successfully logged in to Windows.

Log in to RDP with Rublon 2FA

This example depicts the process of logging in to RDP after Rublon for Windows and RDP has been installed.

i. Run Remote Desktop Connection.

2. Enter the name or the IP address of the machine you would similar to connect to.

3. Click Connect.

4. A Rublon Prompt appears with a selection of authentication methods.

v. Choose 1 of the authentication methods. Let's choose Mobile Push.

half-dozen. You will exist sent a push notification. Tap Approve.

7. You volition be successfully logged in to your machine.


To uninstall Rublon for Windows Logon:

  • If yous have installed Rublon for Windows Logon using the GUI Installer, run C:\Program Files\Rublon\Logon\Uninstall.bat as administrator.
  • If y'all have installed Rublon for Windows Logon in Silent Mode, run C:\Program Files\Rublon\Logon\unis000.exe every bit administrator.

Alternatively, yous can manually delete the post-obit entries in Windows Registry (the way y'all installed Rublon for Windows Logon does not matter in this case):

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers\{BD0A5367-C3AF-46B1-9F44-D10406EB7CC1}]
  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Provider Filters\{BD0A5367-C3AF-46B1-9F44-D10406EB7CC1}"]
  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\{ExcludedCredentialProviders}]
  • [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{BD0A5367-C3AF-46B1-9F44-D10406EB7CC1}]
  • [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{BD0A5367-C3AF-46B1-9F44-D10406EB7CC1}InprocServer32]

If it is non possible to log into the system, the registry can exist deleted by logging into the system in safe way.

In order to restore Rublon For Windows, yous must add the previously deleted registry entry again.


If yous take a problem or question, refer to Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP – FAQ first.

In case you did non notice a solution for your trouble in our FAQ, look up your log file located in C:\Program Files\Rublon\Logon\Logs\rublon-credential-provider.log and send this log file to Rublon Support along with the description of your problem.

If yous encounter whatsoever issues with your Rublon integration, please contact Rublon Support.

Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP – Release Notes

Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP – FAQ

Rublon for Windows Logon and RDP – Download


Source: https://rublon.com/doc/rdp/

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